Beyond the fog of time. Zodiac Killer ... an alternative analysis di Paolo Gennari 

€ 24,00


Beyond the fog of time. Zodiac Killer ... an alternative analysis
di Paolo Gennari,  2022,  Youcanprint
ISBN: 9791220397988
condizioni: NUOVO

Who was the Zodiac Killer? Was he just a rogue madman or a sadistic man who was of a sound criminal mind? What if he was something else entirely? Time has muddied the waters, kept the pain alive and shrouded all in a dark fog. Only a thin line keeps the cyphers connected. We need to follow it to go further and find new ways to uncover surprising and unexpected truths. Paolo Gennari is an Italian entrepreneur born in the 70s, passionate about riddles and mysteries. He tackled the Zodiac cyphers using logic and his analysis and cryptographic skills. The result is a new and unusual reconstruction of the crimes that shocked California during the 60s and 70s.

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