Breast MRI Teaching Atlas - Richard Ha - Spinger, 2016
Codice prodotto: 255544539904
Breast MRI Teaching Atlas
Edizione Inglese di Richard Ha (a cura di), Christopher E. Comstock (a cura di), Elizabeth A. Morris (a cura di)
Editore: Springer-Verlag GmbH
EAN: 9781493964079
ISBN: 1493964070
Pagine: 310
Formato: Hardback
This atlas serves as a basic introduction to breast MRI. Organized by case, it emphasizes pertinent breast MRI findings and common indications for breast MRI. Topics include breast MRI basics, benign findings, breast malignancy, high-risk conditions, interesting cases, and breast implants. Brief teaching points accompany each case and highlight the importance of the findings. Breast MRI Teaching Atlas is an ideal resource for diagnostic radiologists, residents, fellows, and clinicians involved in the care of breast cancer patients, including surgeons, oncologists, and obstetricians/gynecologists.