Data Science And Classification

Edizione Inglese di Vladimir Batagelj (a cura di), Hans Hermann Bock (a cura di), Anuska Ferligoj (a cura di), Ales Ziberna (a cura di)

    Editore: Springer-verlag Berlin And Heidelberg Gmbh & Co. Kg
    EAN: 9783540344155
    ISBN: 3540344152
    Pagine: 358
    Formato: Paperback

Data Science and Classification provides new methodological developments in data analysis and classification. The broad and comprehensive coverage includes the measurement of similarity and dissimilarity, methods for classification and clustering, network and graph analyses, analysis of symbolic data, and web mining. Beyond structural and theoretical results, the book offers application advice for a variety of problems, in medicine, microarray analysis, social network structures, and music.

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