Getting started with Power Query in Power BI and Excel: Getting, transforming, and preparing the data. The first step towards data analysis 

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Getting started with Power Query in Power BI and Excel: Getting, transforming, and preparing the data. The first step towards data analysis
di Reza Rad, Leila Etaati,  2021,  Indipendently Published
ISBN: 9798465392150
condizioni: NUOVO

Any data analytics solution requires data population and preparation. With the rise of data analytics solutions these years, the need for this data preparation becomes even more essential. Power BI is a helpful data analytics tool that is used worldwide by many users.
As a Power BI (or Microsoft BI) developer, it is essential to learn how to prepare the data in the right shape and format needed. You need to learn how to clean the data and build it in the structure that can be modeled easily and used high performant for visualization.
Data preparation and transformation is the backend work. If you consider building a BI system as going to a restaurant and ordering food. The visualization is the food you see on the table nicely presented. The quality, the taste, and everything else comes from the hard work in the kitchen. The part that you don’t see or the backend in the world of Power BI is Power Query.
You may be already familiar with some other data preparation and data transformation technologies, such as T-SQL, SSIS, Azure Data Factory, Informatica, etc. Power Query is a data transformation engine capable of preparing the data in the format you need. The good news is that to learn Power Query; you don’t need to know programming. Power Query is for citizen data engineers. However, this doesn’t mean that Power Query is not capable of performing advanced transformation.
Unfortunately, because Power Query and data preparation is the kitchen work of the BI system, many Power BI users skip the learning of it and become aware of it somewhere along their BI project. Once they get familiar with it, they realize there are tons of things they could have implemented easier, faster, and in a much more maintainable way using Power Query. In other words, they learn mastering Power Query is the key skill toward mastering Power BI.
We have been working with Power Query since the very early release of that in 2013, named Data Explorer, and wrote blog articles and published videos about it. The number of articles we published under this subject easily exceeds hundreds. Through those articles, some of the fundamentals and key learnings of Power Query are explained. We thought it is good to compile some of them in a book.
A good analytics solution combines a good data model, good data preparation, and good analytics and calculations. Reza has written another book about the Basics of modeling in Power BI and a book on Power BI DAX Simplified. This book is covering the data preparation and transformations aspects of it.
This book is for you if you are building a Power BI solution. Even if you are just visualizing the data, preparation and transformations are an essential part of analytics. You do need to have the cleaned and prepared data ready before visualizing it.
This book is complied into a series of two books, which will be followed by a third book later;
Getting started with Power Query in Power BI and Excel (this book)
Mastering Power Query in Power BI and Excel (already available to be purchased separately)
Power Query dataflows (will be published later)
Although this book is written for Power BI and all the examples are presented using the Power BI. However, the examples can be easily applied to Excel, Dataflows, and other tools and services using Power Query.

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