Handbook of Nonlinear Optical Crystals
di Valentin G. Dmitriev, Gagik G. Gurzadyan, David N. Nikogosyan

    Editore: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
    EAN: 9783642084720
    ISBN: 3642084729
    Pagine: 436
    Formato: Paperback

Since the invention of the first laser 30 years ago, the frequency conversion of laser radiation in nonlinear optical crystals has become an important technique widely used in quantum electronics and laser physics for solving various scientific and engineering problems. The fundamental physics of three-wave light interactions in nonlinear optical crystals is now well understood. This has enabled the production of various harmonic generators, sum-and difference­ frequency generators, and optical parametric oscillators based on nonlinear optical crystals that are now commercially available. At the same time, scientists continue an active search for novel, highly efficient nonlinear optical materials. Therefore, in our opinion, there is a great need for a handbook of nonlinear optical crystals, intended for specialists and practitioners with an engineering background. This book contains a complete description of the properties and applications of all nonliner optical crystals of practical importance reported in the literature up to the beginning of 1990. In addition, it contains the most important equations for calculating the main parameters (such as phase-matching direction, effective nonlinearity, and conversion efficiency) of nonlinear frequency converters.

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