JUMPIN’ FROM 6 to 6 #2: Digging and dishing the platters that matter! 

€ 11,50


JUMPIN’ FROM 6 to 6 #2: Digging and dishing the platters that matter!
di Frédérick Turgis,  2021,  Indipendently Published
ISBN: 9798498546797
condizioni: NUOVO

Jumpin’ from 6 to 6 is a Rockabilly and Psychobilly fanzine.
Issue 2 features the first parts of our stories of the Rockats, the Quakes and Red Hot’n’Blue. It also features interviews with Neo-Rockabilly legend Dave Phillips and Harry & the Hounds.
Articles about Vinylux records, the Ringlets Trio, the Black Crabs, Little Rachel, Slim Sandy and his Hillbilly Boppers, the Nitros, the Swamp Dogs and Ravenna & the Magnetics, and more than 100 records reviews complete this issue.

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