La evolución táctica del fútbol 1863-1945/ The Tactical Evolution of Soccer-2021
Codice prodotto: 255738882492
La Evolucion Tactica del Futbol 1863 - 1945
Edizione Spagnolo di Mart Perarnau (Autore)
Editore: ROCA EDIT
EAN: 9788494418358
ISBN: 8494418351
Pagine: 400
Formato: Paperback
This book deciphers the genetic code of soccer. It describes the tactical evolution of the game since its regulation in 1863. The book covers the different tactical developments of the hand of the false 9, the most complex and subtle figure that exists in soccer. All the ideas of the game are contained within the false 9, which brings together the four great elements of soccer: ball, time, space, and deception. A book that shows that soccer is a battle of ideas, and that each city plays according to its way of being.