€ 41,50


Laminas MVC Framework for PHP
di Adam Omelak,  2020,  Indipendently Published
ISBN: 9798612445722
condizioni: NUOVO

Build your websites in a more flexible and efficient way than ever before with this first & only Laminas book.
Introducing Laminas MVC, a project based on the Zend Framework, which has taken websites by the storm!

In this book you will explore and start using Laminas and its components. You will learn how to move within an environment and the approaches needed to integrate any of the Laminas components with each other and with any MVC platform.

You will learn how main architecture works and how to use it to create scalable and maintainable web applications.Learn how to write practical code and find ready-made examples for use on your websites, instead of theoretical and useless examples from other sources.

This book is as practical as it’s possible to be, with chapters that will give you the functionality to set up your own new Laminas website in minutes.
Furthermore you will learn how to deal with particular programming issues and Laminas components such as:
Testing controllers & models
Standard views + Smarty
User registration and login- user permissions
Administrator panel
CMS - Content Management System
APIs - microservices
Multi-languages (INI and PO formats)
Bootstrap v4 forms
Dynamic navigation + sitemap
Code generation
Event Manager
Service Manager
MVC unit tests
and many other practical solutions.

The book is based on its successful precursor about Zend Framework 3 called: Zend Framework 3. Developer’s Guide.

The book chapters, available on GitHub, will give you the ability to ask any questions, seek any advice if you get stuck, or just talk to the author.

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