MINISTERIAL GIFTS. Training course - Volume 1 di Filippo Feminò 

€ 19,00


MINISTERIAL GIFTS. Training course - Volume 1
di Filippo Feminò,  2019,  Edizioni03
ISBN: 9788894954661
collana: Manuali
condizioni: NUOVO

The objective of the course “Ministerial Gifts” is to know and recognize the ministries that God has given to the church so that it can be built. Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd and Doctor: five ministries different from each other but united by the sole purpose of equipping the church! In this volume you will discover the various functions and roles that each office holds and what the characteristics are; you will also learn to know who in the Bible held these “positions”. We will highlight the characteristics that can guide those who have received a call to one of the ministries into becoming excellent ministers of the Word of God. The five ministries are gifts from God to the church!

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