Note: We live in a world where it seems ok to do what pleases us no matter how it effects others. A world where people feel like what they do or struggle with is there business and nobody needs to know. The fact of the matter is what we do or don’t do with our lives has a direct effect on everyone we’re connected to. Many men in today’s society live a secret life in hiding, in shame, in guilt, in fear, in pride and in prison because of strongholds that restrict them from living in true freedom. I testify to you about my issues with rejection, pornography addiction, depression and others that had kept me bound for a long time. My testimony is one of many tools that aided me in breaking out of this prison. Men it’s ok to be vulnerable and expose those dirty parts of your life. The good thing about that is God can work with your honesty, that shows you’re willing to be free at any cost. The moment I realized I’m comfortable with exposing my issues, was the moment I was closer to being completely free. Prison Break I believe will provide you with wisdom and hope that it’s totally possible for you to experience true freedom just as I am. |