Sensors and Microsystems - Piero Malcovati - Springer, 2012
Codice prodotto: 265700246479
Sensors and Microsystems
Aisem 2011 Proceedings
Edizione Inglese di Piero Malcovati (a cura di), Andrea Baschirotto (a cura di), Arnaldo d'Amico (a cura di), Corrado Natale Di (a cura di)
Editore: Springer-Verlag GmbH
EAN: 9781461409342
ISBN: 1461409349
Pagine: 314
Formato: Hardback
This book contains a selection of papers presented at the 16th AISEM ("Associazione Italiana Sensori e Microsistemi") National Conference on Sensors and Microsystems, held in Rome 7-9 February 2011. The conference highlighted updated results from both theoretical and applied research in the field of sensors and microsystems. This book presents material in an interdisciplinary approach, covering many aspects of the disciplines related to sensors and microsystems, including physics, chemistry, materials science, biology and applications.