Soo Bahk, Ancient Ways, Modern Art Volume I - Len Losik Ph. D. - 2016
Codice prodotto: 266034538266
Soo Bahk, Ancient Ways, Modern Art Volume I
di Len Losik Ph. D.
EAN: 9780966117936
ISBN: 096611793X
Pagine: 190
Formato: Paperback
Soo Bahk Ancient Ways, Mondern Art includes history of Grandmaster Hwang Kee, the founder of Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do and Moo Duk Kwan Soo Bahk Do based on the Korean manuscript titled Moo Yei Do Bo Tong Ji, includes the historical kwans of Tang Soo Do, a history and update for Tae Kyun, Kwon Bup and Tae Kwon Do. The author also discusses the many hyungs of Soo Bahk, the classical animal hyungs, the animal symbols of the Classical hyungs and where they originated and why they were chosen, Soo Bahk's thirtenn concepts, Soo Bahk Meditation, dojang conduct, codes and tenents, the Korean flag, Soo Bahk's belts and system, instructions for the three Kee Cho hyungs, the three Chil Sang hyungs, the Nai Hanji Cho Dan hyung and the Bassai So hyung.