€ 16,00


Still Here. A Past to Present Insight of Native American People and Culture. Ediz. Illustrata
di Danielle Seewalker,  2020,  Dots Editore
ISBN: 9788894328844
condizioni: NUOVO


As a Native American, I am often approached with curiosity and a need for insight by my non-­? Native peers-both American and non-­?American, various educators and curious people in general that know little to nothing of our U.S. history as it relates to Native American cultures. They are curious about language, beliefs, land connection, my thoughts on things like Columbus or Thanksgiving and overall, curious about my experience in working with Native communities all around the United States. What I have found, and what has inspired me to want to write this book, is that even most Americans do not know the true history of American Indian people and in some cases, that we even still exist today! It’s not uncommon for me to hear wow, you’re the first Native American I’ve ever met... or do you believe in thanksgiving or what exactly is an Indian reservation and is it really sovereign? I wanted to write a quick, easy-­?to-­?read book that addresses a lot of these questions and topics as well as offer a high-­?level overview of the history and culture of Native American peoples in the U.S. I wanted this book to be for someone who knows little to nothing about American Indian people and to be able to read this text and take away some accurate facts and not continue to perpetuate romanticized ideas or micro-­? aggressions toward of Native American people and culture. The index of chapters* highlight many of the topics that I thought were important. It was also important for me to highlight, through images and quotes, some of the people that Carlotta and I have worked with throughout the years and also the places we’ve visited around Indian country in order to put a personal touch on the book and bring relevance to some of these topics to the present time.-Author Danielle SeeWalker


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