Surgical Pathology of the GI Tract, Liver, Biliary Tract and Pancreas
di Robert D. Odze, John R. Goldblum

    Editore: ELSEVIER
    EAN: 9780323679886
    ISBN: 0323679889
    Pagine: 1600
    Lingua: inglese

Unparalleled in scope and content, Surgical Pathology of the GI Tract, Liver, Biliary Tract and Pancreas provides the most relevant and up-to-date clinical, etiologic, molecular, and therapeutic management information for surgical pathologists in training and in practice. The fully revised 4th Edition of this award-winning title offers a wealth of information in this fast-changing field, including recent advances in molecular biology and immunohistochemistry, in a clearly written, well-structured manner that is easy to read and navigate. This one-stop reference for the entire gastrointestinal system enables you to improve turnaround time when diagnosing a specimen and to clearly report on the prognosis and therapeutic management options to surgical and medical colleagues. Covers the latest developments in molecular technologies and immunohistochemical markers to provide useful diagnostic and prognostic information and inform therapeutic decisions.

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