€ 36,00


The Arts of Daoism
di Xing De,  2021,  Indipendently Published
ISBN: 9798678358714
condizioni: NUOVO

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The Arts of Daoism presents a set of key lectures on some of the major arts and practices of Daoism by a contemporary Daoist priest and master, Li Shifu, the Abbot of Five Immortals Temple in the Wu dang mountains in China. These are supported by generous excerpts from classic Daoist texts on these topics, and engaging discussions between a master and his students that illuminate the questions and problems that arise on the path.

The topics discussed in remarkable and lively detail by Li Shifu include: the art of fasting, the forms of Daoist meditation – seated, standing and sleeping – for tranquillity, health and spiritual awakening, and the interpretation of dreams. Li Shifu’s talks combine technical exactitude with penetrating explorations of the underlying philosophy, and frank, humorous, profound and helpful advice for those at beginner or intermediate stages in their practice. The auxiliary texts include passages, stories and chapter excerpts from some of the greats in Daoism, such as Lao Zi, Zhuang Zi, Zhongli Quan, Lü Dongbin, Ge Hong, Zhang Sanfeng and Chen Tuan in important selections from the Daoist canon, many of which are appearing in English for the first time. A notable highlight is two chapters from the Classic of Categories 39006;32147; by the renowned physician, Zhang Jingyue, on dream interpretation as an analytical tool in the diagnosis of a patient’s illness.

Equally addressed to both the general reader and the serious practitioner, The Arts of Daoism is an indispensable guide for anyone with a philosophical and practical interest in Daoism and traditional Chinese practices for health and wellbeing.

May this book serve as a beacon, leading you to the headwaters and confluence of awakening. Returning to the Source (gu299;g275;n 27512;26681;). Home.

—Louis Komjathy 24247;24605;22855; (Xi363;jìng 20462;38748; [Cultivating Stillness];
Wànruì 33836;29790; [Myriad Blessings]), Ph.D., CSO
Co-director and Senior Teacher
Daoist Foundation / Center for Daoist Studies

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