The Kurdish Oil Project and the Mousl Vilayet Project - Sardar Pishdare - 2009
Codice prodotto: 255822102926
The Kurdish Oil Project and the Mousl Vilayet Project
di Sardar Pishdare
EAN: 9781449015862
ISBN: 1449015867
Pagine: 480
Formato: Paperback
Sykes and Picot designed a map of the Middle East which was fatal and flawed. They changed the map many times until they agreed to partition Kurdistan to 5 parts, when small nations such as the Kurd yearn for freedom from the grip of the aggressor, there are two paths along which they must go. The first one is whether or not you are strong enough to combat those who wish to keep you down and the second way is to study International law and see whether or not it is possible to establish yourself by following the rules laid down. know I will follow the rule of law of law and use the Kurdish Oil for re unaeted and free Kurdistan.