The Rodfather - Roddy Collins, Paul Howard - Sandycove, 2022
Codice prodotto: 255528164069
The Rodfather
di Roddy Collins, Paul Howard
Editore: Sandycove
EAN: 9781844885954
ISBN: 184488595X
Pagine: 320
Formato: Hardback
Roddy Collins is a football man - now in the sixth decade of a career as a player (at sixteen clubs), manager (twelve clubs) and commentator. And he is a funny man: an unequalled raconteur with a sharp eye for the absurdities of the professional game and spectacular recall. He has made friends wherever he has gone, along with some high-quality enemies. When John Delaney said he could get Roddy a job if he'd just stop criticising him, Roddy replied that he'd 'rather dig holes in the road'.Now, with the brilliant Paul Howard, Roddy puts it all down on paper for the first time - the adventures, the rows and the craic - in what will be not only one of the funniest but one of the most eye-opening books ever written about professional football.