The Story Of International Relations, Part Two
Cold-Blooded Idealists
di Jo-Anne Pemberton

    Editore: Springer Nature Switzerland AG
    EAN: 9783030218263
    ISBN: 3030218260
    Pagine: 575
    Formato: Paperback

This book is the second volume in a trilogy that traces the development of the academic subject of International Relations, or what was often referred to in the interwar years as International Studies. In this volume, the author begins with the 1932 Mission to China and conference in Milan, examines the International Studies Conference, reviews the Hoover Plan, the MacDonald Plan, the fate of the World Disarmament Conference, and the League of Nations¿ role in the discipline. This one of a kind project takes on the task of reviewing the development of IR, aptly published in celebration of the discipline¿s centenary.

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