The Technological Evolution of Industrial Districts
di G. Gottardi

    Editore: Springer US
    EAN: 9781402075551
    ISBN: 1402075553
    Pagine: 544
    Formato: Hardback

"The Technological Evolution of Industrial Districts"collects a wide array of theoretical and empirical contributions onthe issue of industrial districts and gives insights into thecomplexity of industrial clustering, which has received growinginternational attention in the last decade. The industrial districtmodel has been acknowledged as a tool of local growth. Using thisbackground, the contributors deal with the dynamics of economic andsocial processes that generate the various possible patterns ofevolution at a local level. The authors analyze districts not just asspatial concentrations of specific industries but also asorganizational forms that are created throughout an historical processrooted in the economic and social dimension of a specific place. Thisis the basis, they argue, on which activities, skills, knowledge, innovation, and institutions are settled, and continuously changed, inreaction to endogenous drifts and exogenous shocks. IDs are viewedhere as densely populated industry-specific organizations composed ofcomplementary enterprises, territorial identity, embeddedinstitutions, trust, and social capital. In other words, the ID"formula" goes back to the idea of an existing "dominant" industry (orproduct) specialization in the territory and a close "community" ofpeople and firms co-located in a small area that is typically smallerthan a province. Starting from the Marshallian concept of clustering, the book incorporates the more recent literature on clusters, proposing a distinction among these terms often used assynonymous.The book is divided into three parts. Part I provides a backgrounddiscussion of the theory of industrial districts, bringing into thetraditionalItalian approach the Nordic studies based on the theory ofknowledge-based organizations and the institutional perspective of theFrench regulation school. Part II, the book's core, develops acognitive approach to the theory of industrial districts. Part IIIpresents some empirical evidence on the new evolutionary design oftraditional and high-tech industrial districts localized in Italy andin France.This volume will be particularly useful as a reference work for policymakers and as a supplemental text for courses in applied economics andbusiness, industrial organization, industrial districts/clustersmanagement, and network economics.

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