Time Perspective
Theory And Practice

Edizione Inglese di Aleksandra Kostić (a cura di), Derek Chadee (a cura di)

    Editore: Palgrave Macmillan UK
    EAN: 9781349956302
    ISBN: 1349956309
    Pagine: 416
    Formato: Paperback

This book focusses on the theory and application of ¿time perspective theory¿. Time perspective can be an important factor in determining psychological well-being and the way we see our world and others around us. The unique contemporary nature of this theory¿s evolution has spurred great interest over the last 20 years. The editors responded to this interest by bringing together contributors across a multitude of subjects and perspectives to facilitate an unprecedented discussion on the topic; covering areas such as financial health, psychotherapy across adulthood and old age, prenatal past, metacognition, community and change, fear of crime and intrinsic motivations. The interdisciplinary nature of this project makes it of interest to a wide cross-section of academics and practitioners including psychologist, social workers, criminologists and anyone who has or wishes to adopted time perspective theorization to assist them in their understanding.

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