When the Robin Stopped Bobbing
Charlton's Journey from Old Trafford to Oldham

di Daniel Macionis

    Editore: AUTHORHOUSE
    EAN: 9781449031527
    ISBN: 1449031528
    Pagine: 276
    Formato: Paperback

From Portakabins to Porto Captains and then back again. How can a team go from Old Trafford to Oldham in three years? No one could have predicted how dramatically Charlton Athletic would fall following the departure of legendary manager Alan Curbishley in 2006. The club then spent more money than ever before and had realistic ambitions of European qualification, yet by summer 2009 the club are faced with playing in England's third tier and even threats of administration. Daniel Macionis; a passionate supporter of the club has followed the club throughout all the struggles and this is his journal of the demise of Charlton. Having attended all but one home game since 2006 and lived and breathed the goings on, he gives a personal account of how spectacularly the club has declined. Macionis gives a month by month analysis of the clubs fortunes, both on and off the pitch. He assesses how and why things have gone so wrong, yet also tries to draw the positives and look to a brighter and more successful future.

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